The IonBank 5K/10K, IonSlim 5K/10K and Porto Q come equipped with battery indicator lights (normally located on the side of the device). Pressing the push-button located next to the LED lights will show you the current level of battery available.
4 lights - 100%
3 lights - 75%
2 lights - 50%
1 light - 25% or less
The IonBank 3K has three different color displays to indicate the current level of battery available.
Green - more than 50%
Orange - 20-50%
Red - less than 20%
*While charging either of your IonBank/IonSlim the LED light(s) will blink on and off. When your Ionbank/IonSlim is fully charged the LED light(s) will no longer blink. If the lights do not turn on then your device needs to be recharged.
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